International Worker's Day is coming, we will have holiday from May 1st to May 5th. Order will be processed start from May 6th. if you placed during this period. Many thanks.

首頁製造商AR North America

AR North America

About AR North America

AR North America (ARNA) is an independent division of Annovi Reverberi (AR), the world's leading manufacturer of pressure washer pumps. AR, headquartered in Modena, Italy, is a privately owned company that has remained dedicated to producing excellent products since its humble beginnings in 1958. With a rich history spanning over six decades, AR has consistently demonstrated its passion and integrity by designing, developing, and manufacturing pumps of the highest quality, earning a distinguished reputation.

Tools (5)

Transformers (2)

(86) 755-88355669

Mon-Fri: 09:30 AM-19:00 PM

深圳市龍崗區坂田街道天安雲谷工業園區二期11棟1711室 郵編:518129


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